
Classical Evangelical Essays in Old Testament Interpretation is unavailable, but you can change that!

According to Walter Kaiser, much of modern Old Testament scholarship ignores some of the best scholarship of the past—just because its evangelical! In this volume, he remedies that problem by collecting 14 of the most influential scholarly essays of the past—ones that have been unfairly ignored by modern scholars.

kind that might be adduced and that will, doubtless, occur to you. It cannot be denied that they are serious difficulties. If for no other reason, this would be so because unbelievers make great capital out of them. The deist Bolingbroke says: “It is blasphemy to assert that the Old Testament writers were inspired, when they attribute such things to divinity as would disgrace humanity”; and Col. Ingersoll was continually sneering: “If the best that can be conceived of God is what the Old Testament
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